Cembre has adopted dedicated channels through which - for companies falling within the scope of the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 and the corresponding national transpositions - "whistleblowing" reports concerning offences, violations of national or EU laws and or regulations may be sent, enjoying the protections provided by the legislation.
Such reports may be sent through the dedicated platform, at the web address https://whistleblowingcembre.openblow.it, or through voicemail dialing the phone number #31#+39 0303692997, as per the attached Procedure.
Cembre S.p.A. has integrated the Group Whistleblowing Procedure to include reports relating to unlawful conduct relevant pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, violations of the Organisational, Management and Control Model adopted by the Company pursuant to said decree, as well as violations or deficiencies of the Management System for the Prevention of Corruption adopted pursuant to UNI ISO 37001:2016.
Such reports may be sent through the dedicated platform, at the web address https://whistleblowingcembre.openblow.it, or through voicemail dialing the phone number #31#+39 0303692997, as per the attached Procedure.
Reports related to the company Cembre GmbH may be sent through the dedicated platform, at the web address https://whistleblowingcembre.openblow.it, or through voicemail dialing the phone number #31#+39 0303692997, as per the Group Whistleblowing Procedure and the attached Information document.
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